Friday, June 1, 2007

Re: My stress level

Mon chat, I do believe I should try to convince Mama into taking me to one of those doggie spas...a blissful mud pack might be just what I need!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Too pampered? Hold your tongue!

Dearest- I do worry about your anxiety levels. Please make sure not to stress yourself out over people less intelligent than you. Your reasoning exceeds most of your breed. I do have something for you to peruse while you live the life of luxury. I found this while checking my e-mail account; which I regret to say I have not heard back from that foxy feline I met some weeks ago on the FancythatCat site. This article says that our people may be spoiling us too much. On the contrary, I do not believe there could a limit to the amount of pampering. However, there are a few outlandish claims in the article. Cell phones for us! Seriously! I, for one, do not want to be pestered anytime Mama wants to talk to me. She is home enough now that school is out. It would be an invasion of privacy. I would also recommend not to try the new dog beer. You remember Melody, dearest, your parents had a tendency toward alcoholism. It's best to steer clear! Also, they think giving presents on major holidays should not be observed. I find that sacrilegious! Birthdays and Christmas presents are the best! Why should they have all the fun on those days? I doubt that writer would be content with no presents. With that note, I shall bid you farewell. Sleep soundly! Until tomorrow--ton chat

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nose Over Tail

Have you heard about the dear lady who is trying to get the Harry Potter series banned from school libraries in Gwinnett County, GA? Oh yes, my friend. Did you hear the details of her argument? She's arguing that the Harry Potter books promote witchcraft, which is a religion, which violates the separation of church and state. Let's *paws* here for a moment if you will. My friends, I do believe this dear lady is standing at the top of what appears to be a slippery slope. And the funny thing about slippery slopes is that you think your footing is sure...that is until you end up sliding down the hill at breakneck speed, nose over tail, until you land at the bottom, all four legs in the air in a quite undignified position, waiting for Mama to come fish you out of the snowbank. Then, there's quite a bit of dusting off and your assertion, "I totally meant to do that. Didn't you see my triple-decker half-whirly flip?" Not that I would know. Hee.

Anyway, sometimes when you start your wild slide, you end up getting tangled up with other people, knocking the unsuspecting down, until you all end up in the snowbank together. Collateral damage if you will.

So, what's the collateral damage of pulling Harry Potter off the shelves? Clearly, in this dear lady's mind, not much. But, if she bases her argument on the separation of church and state, one other series automatically jumps to my simple, canine mind. The Chronicles of Narnia. If Harry Potter gets pulled on that basis, what would stop somebody else from going after The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe? After all, everybody knows it's a Christian allegory. Now, I know that this is not the dear lady's intent. But she has to consider the larger ramifications of that particular line of argument.

Not to mention the fact that most children's books have some element of fantasy or magic. The Wizard of Oz, Grimm's Fairytales, Lord of the Rings...I can go on and on. Where does it end? Are all the bookshelves in the library going to be as bare as Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard? Throw a dog a bone, here!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My List of Things to Do Today

1. Lay on my fluffy pillow
2. Drink some water
3. Go outside
4. Try to talk Mama into taking me for multiple walks
5. Sprinkle food all over the living room floor
6. Sleep
7. Jump on the couch when Mama's not looking
8. Sleep
9. Beg for food
10. Scratch my ears

Things to Do Today

  1. Finish dinner
  2. Take a nap
  3. Lay out on the patio
  4. Meow until Mama plays with me
  5. Play in cube
  6. Meow randomly to confuse Mama
  7. Take another nap
  8. Sip some water
  9. Check my bowl to make sure no food has appeared


Hello Smokey Cat! We shall boldly go where no furry, four-legged animal has gone before!

May 29

Log start 1, this is our first journey into the unknown.